Tuesday, January 1, 2013

January 1, 2013

Psalm 55:22-23 (54:23-24 LXX)

Cast your care upon the Lord,
And He shall support you;
He will never allow the righteous to be moved.
But You, O God, will bring them down into the pit of decay;
Men of blood and deceit
Shall not live even half their days.
But I will hope in You, O Lord.

Personal Challenge...

How do I ever know if I am doing the right things for God? Am I truly living my life in a way that honors Him or is it for my own sake? Am I treating those whom He has brought into my life in a godly, righteous way, or am I treating them in a similar way to those called out in the second half of this passage? I have come to learn in my few years of life that the answers to these questions do not typically come in the instance or situation where I am asking the question. I must look across a span of time and try to assess how am I doing at trying to live for my Lord. If I look at a single point in time the results will be skewed...either a good way or a bad way. If I look at multiple points then I will be able to better see what is my pattern, my propensity. And with all this said, the beginning and the end of this passage I am clearly told what to do..."Cast my care upon the Lord...I will hope in You, O Lord." Thank You Lord Jesus that You are my Rock and my Salvation, and that I can hide in You.

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