Saturday, January 5, 2013

January 5, 2012

Isaiah 55:10-11

For as rain comes down, or snow from heaven, and does not return until it saturates the earth, and it brings forth and produces, and gives seed to the sower and bread for food, so shall My word be, whatever proceeds from My mouth. It shall not return until it accomplishes whatever I willed, and I shall prosper your ways and My commandments.

Personal Challenge...

It is up to God what purpose His Word serves and when. Just as it is His decision as to what benefit the rain and snow will have upon His creation. It is up to me though, His follower, as to what I will do with His Word when He pours it out upon me. I can choose to use it for His glory, to build up His kingdom and those whom He has placed in my life or I can choose to use it for my own good, my own edification. Not only does God pour out His blessings upon me, but He also gives me the freedom to choose what I do with it. I must learn to choose wisely.

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