Friday, November 15, 2013

November 15, 2013

Humility through greatness.

Wisdom of Sirach 3:18-19 LXX

The greater you are, the more humble you must be,
And you will find grace before the Lord;
Because great is the power of the Lord,
And He is honored by the humble.

Personal Challenge...

Once again the laws that govern God's kingdom conflict with the law's of our culture. As we become greater in this world, whether it be through financial or material gain, or promotions at work, or recognition in our church or communities, the tendency is to become puffed up and expectant of respect. Our society drives this. But in God's economy the expectation is that the more we are elevated in this world the more humble we must become for His glory and His kingdom. Our humility is not for those around us as much as it is for Him. As we honor Him with our humility we also become an encouragement and a beacon of His love and grace to those around us.

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