Thursday, December 12, 2013

December 12, 2013

Standing firm...

Wisdom of Sirach 37:13-15 LXX

Stand firm on the counsel of your heart,
For no one is more faithful to you than it.
For a man's soul sometimes tells him more
Than seven watchmen sitting high on a watchtower.
And in all matters, pray to the Most High
That He may direct your way in truth.

Personal Challenge...

We are guided here to listen to our heart for counsel and guidance. Now before I get jumped on with reminders that our hearts are bad, I would like to suggest that this passage is speaking in the context of having spent much time pursuing the Wisdom of God (which is personified in Christ). As a redeemed child of God my heart of flesh has been replaced with a heart filled with the love of Christ and the Holy Spirit. It is this new heart, a heart guided by the Holy Spirit, focused on serving God by loving Him and my neighbor, encouraged by wise counsel from other godly men and women, that I should stand firm in the counsel of. This still requires prayer and diligence to make sure that I am being obedient to God. My new heart is good because it is the home of my Lord, but it is my will that I must always be guarding so that it follows Christ. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

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