Tuesday, March 25, 2014

March 25, 2014

Making the right choices...

Amos 5:14

"Seek good and not evil so that you may live, so that the Lord God Almighty will be with you. As you have said, ‘We hated evil and loved good.’ And restore justice in the gate that the Lord God Almighty may have mercy on the remnant of Joseph."

Personal Challenge...

Every moment of every day we have choices to make...to seek good or to seek evil. We were created with the ability to make this choice (free will) and the capability to choose the good. As we look through the history of the church we see many examples (Hebrews 11 lists many of them) of men and women who have chosen good and were blessed by God. We also have the Holy Spirit to guide us on this journey. As the movie Matrix introduced, we can choose the red pill or the blue pill, but sometimes we may need to choose neither and follow another path, one that we can only see through eyes opened by God. I like the commentary on these verses offered by Ambrose of Milan (340-397 AD)...
“For when a man rules his own self—and that counts for more than to govern others—his heart is in the hand of God, and God turns it where He wills. If He turns it to the good, perfect goodness is His. And so let us be in the hand of God that we may seek the good... that you may live, and so the Lord God Almighty will be with you.” (Orthodox Study Bible, p. 1000)

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