Monday, April 28, 2014

April 28, 2014

There is nothing to fear.

2 Kings 6:16 (4 Kingdoms 6:16 LXX)

So he answered, "Do not fear, for those who are with us are greater in number than those who are with them."

Encouraging Words...

Life has a way of encroaching upon us and pressing us down. Sometimes this happens from the results of our own choices and sometimes it comes just from life itself. Last week was probably the ultimate week of this encroachment. We finally closed on the home that we were purchasing...after losing the opportunity on the first home that we had an offer on, and needing to cancel our loan options twice, not to mention selling our home the week before and finding that we only had two more days to vacate the premises. Add to that a new job that I was supposed to start on Monday, just to have it delayed by one day due to a hiccup in the background check process. Then top off the week by the loss of my father late Thursday evening. God is so good though. He is greater than those who are against us. He provided the funds we needed to finish the home purchase process in 14 hours...a miracle. He provided the much needed help to make the move...thanks Ray and Bobbi, Israel and Julie, and David and Tammy for the much needed end of move food. And most importantly He took dad home to a much better place...a place that dad has looked forward to for so long. Now comes the time for prayer for my mother and the rest of the family, time to unpack and put our nest in order, time to ramp up and perform for my employer as my father taught me to. And with all of this there is no need to fear, for I know who my Lord is and what He is capable of.

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