Thursday, June 5, 2014

June 4, 2014

Making the impossible possible...

Luke 18:27

But He said, "The things which are impossible with men are possible with God."

Encouraging Words...

Oh what a curse it is to live in this modern age of "enlightenment". We treat everything that is around, us and that which happens in our lives, with reason and logic. In living this way we miss the opportunity to see God at work in His spiritual realm, which is all around us. God is the Creator of all and He has set everything in order and governed by laws of physics such as gravity, etc. And yet, as the Creator, He can bend the rules if He so chooses. This is what we would call miracles. In Jesus' time it was walking on water, healing the sick, bringing the dead back to life, turning water into wine, and so many other manifestations of the impossible becoming possible. Why do we not see this today? Because we apply logic and reason to the impossible and say that it cannot be. Oh how much of God's presence and work in our lives are we missing because of this. Father, open my eyes so that I might see, my ears so that I might hear, and my heart and mind so that I might believe in You, the doer of the impossible.

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