Friday, April 24, 2015

April 23, 2015

Seeking forgiveness!

Wisdom of Sirach 7:32-36 LXX

Stretch forth your hand to the poor,
That your blessing may be complete.
Let the kindness of giving be shown
In the presence of all the living,
And do not withhold kindness from the dead.
Do not withdraw yourself from those who weep,
And mourn with those who mourn.
Do not hesitate to visit a sick man,
For by such visits you will be loved.
With all your words, remember the time you will die,
And you will never sin.

Personal Challenge

I am reminded and humbled by these words from Jesus ben Sirach because I know that I do not hold the poor, the sick, and those who mourn properly in my heart. God forgive me for not caring more for those around me who are in need...which ultimately equates to every human being. Forgive me for not putting the needs of others before my own desires and wants. Forgive me for not desiring the salvation of the lost greater than my own salvation. Create in me a new heart that beats in unison with Yours with a love for all of mankind and creation. Lord Jesus christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner!

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