Sunday, May 3, 2015

May 3, 2015

Who do I really follow?

Sirach 36:1-4

Have mercy on us, O Lord, the God of all, and look upon us,
And put Your fear on all the nations.
Raise Your hand against foreign nations
And let them see Your power.
As in us You have been sanctified before them,
So in them may You be made great before us.
Let them know You as we also have known You,
For there is no God but You, O Lord.

Personal Challenge

Contrary to modern, American Christian belief, God is not a Democrat, a Republican, or an Independent, or any other political party. He is not a conservative or a liberal, a capitalist or a socialist. He is the God of the heavens and the earth. He is the Lord over all of the nations whether they acknowledge Him or not. We, as His children and followers are supposed to be His means by which all peoples of the earth hear about Him. His agenda is the one that I am called to embrace. His platform is the one that I am called to share. I cannot truly represent Him and His kingdom if I put my earthly affiliations before His. This does not mean that I do not participate in the politics of the place that He has placed me, but I do not define Him by that choice. Lord, have mercy! Lord, have mercy! Lord, have mercy!

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