Friday, May 8, 2015

May 8, 2015

Seeking proper guidance.

Psalm 73:24 (72:24 LXX)

With Your counsel You guide me,
And with glory You take hold of me.

Encouraging Words

We live in an age where people believe that they have all of the authority that is needed to interpret the scriptures and the teachings of the fathers. However, the Church has taught that the interpretation belongs to the community and the true interpretation comes from decades, centuries, and even millennia of trying and testing the interpretations for validity and truth. This does not mean that I cannot read the scriptures and early church fathers and apply their truths to my life. Isn't this the purpose of searching the that I might be changed and my thoughts, desires, and actions be centered on Christ? If I am reading the scriptures to tell everyone else what they need to do then I have missed the point Guide me, O Lord, guide me!

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