Monday, March 28, 2016

March 28, 2016


Wisdom of Sirach 37:13-15 LXX

Stand firm on the counsel of your heart,
For no one is more faithful to you than it.
For a man's soul sometimes tells him more
Than seven watchmen sitting high on a watchtower.
And in all matters, pray to the Most High
That He may direct your way in truth.

Encouraging Words

I cannot count the number of times that I have been told by well-meaning Christians that I can never trust my heart because its nature is bad and sinful. I always had a hard time with this because I took Christ at His word that He lived in my heart. So, here we have a word of wisdom from Ben Sirach that reminds us to stand firm on the counsel of our heart because no one is more faithful than it. Isn't this awesome! If Jesus dwells within my heart and I am striving to live my life in a way that honors and glorifies Him then He will speak to me more through my heart than He will through my mind. Again, awesome! Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, the sinner and please direct my way in your truth.

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