Sunday, July 10, 2016

July 10, 2016


Psalm 127:1 (126:1 LXX)

Unless the Lord builds the house,
Those who build it labor in vain;
Unless the Lord guard the city,
Those who guard it stay awake in vain.

Personal Challenge

There has been so much commotion lately about Black Lives Matter, Police Lives Matter, and everything in between. But really, which lives matter? As the psalmist so clearly points out in this verse, unless our Lord is in the middle of all of our endeavors for unity, peace, and the building up of our community,then ALL of our labor is in vain. We have taken God out of our lives. Yes, we have taken Him out of our schools, our government, and our society. In many cases, we have taken Him out of our churches. When we teach that we were not created in the image of God, but evolved from primordial ooze, then what do we end up with? When we choose to take innocent lives of unborn children in the name of choice, then what do we end up with? When we elevate the almighty dollar and the stuff that it can buy above everything and everyone else and make it our God, then what do we end up with? When we destroy marriage and the family by redefining what marriage is, creating and encouraging fatherless homes, and treating marriage as something that can be easily thrown away, then what to we end up with? We end up with the chaos and anarchy that we are seeing rampant today. Now I know that I must admit that I too am guilty of being a part of this situation so I am pointing my finger at me here.

So, what is the answer? We have been reminded in the scriptures and the teachings of our church fathers that we are not of this world but in this world. If all of us who claim to be Christians would stop jumping on all of the social, political, and cultural wagons and started living our lives as Christ expects us to, then our world would change. If I truly give my life to Christ and follow Him, then I am no longer an American. I am no longer a Democrat or a Republican. I am not pro-Black Lives Matters or Police Lives Matters. Pick your thing of this world and I am not a part of it anymore. If I am truly a Christian as Jesus described it, then I must become a person that loves the Lord my God with all of my heart, soul, and spirit and my neighbor as myself. In other words. ALL LIVES MATTER, and the matter more than my own. It is no longer about whether or not God has been taken out of the institutions of this world as much as it is about whether or not I have taken God out of my life. Have I made the things of this world more important than Him? If I truly live my life the way that Jesus wants me to, then I will not only begin to see my world change, but I will be a part of that change.

Lord, have mercy! Lord, have mercy! Lord, have mercy!

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