Sunday, April 23, 2017

April 21, 2017


Psalms 62:1-2 (61:2-3 LXX)

Shall not my soul be submissive to God?
For from Him is my salvation.
For He is my God and my savior,
My protector; I shall be shaken no more.

Personal Challenge

So, what is salvation? What are we being saved from? Some will say that we are being saved from God's wrathful judgment. But how can this be if we claim that He is all love and mercy? We are being saved from the sting of death that was given to us from sin. Jesus, our Lord, and Savior, became incarnate, lived a perfect and sinless life, then willingly let His life be taken from Him so that He could die in our place, Then, while in hell, He destroyed the gates that hold us in bondage to death and saved all of mankind, and creation, from death. It is because of this glorious truth that our soul is submissive to God and why we are shaken no more by the evils of this world that try to distract us from trusting in Him. Glory be to God.

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