Wednesday, July 12, 2017

July 11, 2017


3 Maccabees 3:3-5 LXX

The Jews, though, maintained their goodwill and unswerving faith toward the throne. But because they worshiped God and lived by His precepts, they kept themselves separate from others with regard to food, and therefore appeared hateful to some. But they adorned their way of life with the good deeds of righteous people, and thus established themselves as honorable to all men.

Personal Challenge

Living a Christian life is challenging. However, it is not really any more challenging today than it has been throughout the entire history of the church, or for God's early followers the nation of Israel. If we try to live our lives the way that God would have us live them, then we start becoming separate from the world and therefore looked upon as if we think we are better than everyone else. This will lead to isolation and sometimes even persecution. But, if we still try to live our lives the way God would like us to, then we will continue to strive to be His witnesses in our communities. We will exhibit goodwill and unswerving faith toward the governing bodies that we live under. We will adorn our way of life with the good deeds of righteous people. We will be God's ambassadors here on earth, exhibiting His love for His creation. Our job is never over, no matter what the consequences are. Lord, have mercy! Lord, have mercy! Lord, have mercy?

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