Monday, September 25, 2017

September 20, 2017


Psalms 111:10 (110:10 LXX)

The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord;
A good understanding is in all who practice it.
His praise continues unto ages of ages.

Encouraging Words

Since Jesus is who the word wisdom in the Psalms refers to, then this verse is telling us that the beginning of our relationship with Him comes from fearing our Lord. The concept of fearing someone in our modern day language and culture has become a bad thing. The true nature of this kind of fear is to view our God with a great sense of awe and respect, knowing that He holds the universe, and therefore our very existence, in the palm of His hand. This kind of fear drives us to live our lives in a way that honors and adores Him, not that we are afraid He will angrily punish is, but because we desire to please Him as a child does for his parent. Fearing God this way sets our minds and hearts into a state where we can receive His good understanding, apply it in our lives, and praise Him all the more. In a sense, this creates a symbiotic relationship with our Lord, especially since He dwells within our hearts. Glory be to God!

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