Tuesday, March 13, 2018

March 13, 2018


Wisdom of Solomon 6:12-16

Wisdom is radiant and unfading
And is easily perceived by those who love her;
For she is found by those who seek her.
She comes upon those who long to know her beforehand.
He who rises early in the morning to seek her
Will not grow weary,
For he will find her sitting at his gates.
For to think deeply about her
Is the perfection of discernment,
And he who keeps watch for her
Will soon be free from worry;
Because she goes about seeking those worthy of her,
And she appears to them favorably in their paths
And meets them in every thought.

Encouraging Words

In our modern and enlightened age, we have come to a place where wisdom is a thing that we can pursue. Wisdom has become an object. In our ancient Christian faith, the early Church, Wisdom was recognized as a person, that person being Jesus Christ. As our early Church fathers read back through what we call the Old Testament writings through the lens of Jesus, they saw that all teachings about Wisdom were about Jesus, the Wisdom of God. If you read this passage again and substitute "Jesus" for the word wisdom" and "him" for "being you will see the power of this teaching and the need to pursue Jesus as the source of Wisdom and not wisdom as an object. Glory be to God!

Jesus is radiant and unfading
And is easily perceived by those who love Him;
For He is found by those who seek Him.
He comes upon those who long to know Him beforehand.
He who rises early in the morning to seek Him.
Will not grow weary,
For he will find Him sitting at his gates.
For to think deeply about Him
Is the perfection of discernment,
And he who keeps watch for Him
Will soon be free from worry;
Because He goes about seeking those worthy of Him,
And He appears to them favorably in their paths
And meets them in every thought.

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