Thursday, June 28, 2018

June 25, 2018


Sirach 32:23-24

In every work entrust your soul to the Lord,
For this is the keeping of the commandments.
He who believes in the Law heeds the commandments,
And he who trusts in the Lord will not suffer loss.

Personal Challenge

I remember when I was young and getting to the age where I could start working for a wage, my Father taught me that I was not working for the person paying me, but for God. He drilled into me, and my siblings, that God was my ultimate employer. With that thought in mind, then my work should be above and beyond just getting by. Whether I was mowing the lawn (my first job), hoeing weeds in the walnut orchard (my first fulltime summer job), selling shoes and doing janitorial work (my first non-agricultural job, or now being a professional employee working in information technology for 40 years), it is both my responsibility and my privilege to show who my God is to those around me by my work ethic. It is sad to see that this is no longer important to most people. Even in the church, we see that people have given up doing what they do as if they are doing it to the Lord. Why is this? You would think that in the church everyone would want to glorify the Lord in what they do, whether it be cleaning the carpet, teaching a Sunday school class, or just being nice to one another Is it because we have taken Jesus out of our lives and replaced Him with ourselves? Lord have mercy! Lord, have Mercy! Lord, have mercy!

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