Sirach 21:26
The heart of fools is in their mouth,
But the mouth of the wise is in their heart.
Personal Challenge
We have come to a time where we can easily generate an extremely large audience for what we say. Social media has created platforms where any common person can easily communicate to thousands of people instantly. That makes this truism ever more important· We have seen hundreds of people impacted by erroneous statements such as "they are eating people's pets". We have witnessed 49% of those who voted for president swayed by falsehoods and unsupported proclamations. Sirach reminds us that from the heart of a fool comes words through their mouth that are foolish and not representative of a loving God. If we are to have wise and uplifting words flow from our mouths (or pens or keyboards) then our hearts must first be filled with love, grace, mercy, and kindness. Lord, have mercy! Lord, have mercy! Lord, have mercy!