Sirach 20:5-7
There is a man who is silent but is found to be wise,
And there is a man who is hateful because he talks too much.
There is a man who is silent because he has no answer,
And there is a man who is silent because he knows when to speak.
A wise man will keep silent until it is the right time to speak,
But an arrogant and undiscerning man will speak out of turn.
Personal Challenge
So many of the wisdom teachings of Sirach are so profound and apply even today. As one remains silent and carefully assess that which goes on around them, they will be perceived and recognized as wise. When we choose to talk (post) too much, then we may be perceived as hateful. There is great wisdom in remaining silent when we really do not have a valid answer. There is also great wisdom in knowing when the right time is to speak. Even if we do have a valid answer speaking out of turn will only reveal our arrogance and lack of discernment. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, the sinner!