Sirach 35:1-3
The man who keeps the law will abound in offerings;
He who heeds the commandments sacrifices a peace offering.
He who returns a kindness offers fine wheat flour,
And he who does alms sacrifices a praise offering.
To forsake evil is pleasing to the Lord,
And to forsake wrongdoing is atonement.
Encouraging Words
In the Old Testament, God entered into a covenant with the Jewish people and gave them a set of laws and traditions to follow. We know of the beginning of these laws as the ten commandments. Unfortunately, just as we see happening today, zealous leaders replaced their love for God with their focus on the law. Sirach reminds us that it is the nature of the laws that is important, not just the letter of the law. Heeding the essence of the law, which is loving God and loving our neighbor, as Jesus commanded us in the New Testament covenant, is the same as making a peace offering to God. Giving kindness to another is as powerful as a wheat offering. Giving alms to the poor and those in need equals a praise offering. Forsaking evil and wrongdoing is pleasing to God and helps atone us of our own wrongdoings. It is not about posting the laws on the walls or beating others over the heads with them. It is about living lives loving God and loving our neighbor. Lord, have Lord mercy! Lord, have Mercy! Lord, have merey!