Friday, February 12, 2016

February 11, 2016


Wisdom of Solomon 4:2 LXX
When virtue is present, people imitate it,
And when it goes away, they long for it.
Throughout one's lifetime,
Virtue leads the struggle for undefiled prizes,
Wearing a crown and conquering.

Personal Challenge

There are two ways for me to apply this verse to my life. First, who am I trying to imitate? Is he, or she, virtuous and showing me the right way to live my life? Paul, in his letter to the Corinthians, admonishes them to imitate him because he is imitating Christ. This is why we who practice Orthodoxy are always remembering the Saints so that we can imitate them. The second, is who is imitating me? Is it my children or other family members. Is it my coworkers? How about the youth in my Sunday school class or others at my church? Is my life worthy of being imitated? Is it virtuous? Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, the sinner!

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