Monday, February 29, 2016

February 28, 2016


Wisdom of Sirach 3:18-19

The greater you are, the more humble you must be,
And you will find grace before the Lord;
Because great is the power of the Lord,
And He is honored by the humble.

Encouraging Words

I remember the day so well when my father had a mystical experience with our Lord Jesus Christ. From that day on my father was a living miracle. To see the transformation that God could do in a man's life has been an inspiration in my life ever since and was a beacon to so many lives that knew my father. Because of this mystical experience my father began his journey of becoming humble, and it is so fitting that this passage would be the one that fell upon today, the day that would have been his 89th birthday. Now he is celebrating it with the heavenly host. Glory be to God. Happy birthday, Dad! You are loved and missed!

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