Monday, March 13, 2017

March 12, 2017


Ezra 4:38-40 (1 Esdras 4:38-40 LXX)

“But the truth abides and is strong forever. The truth lives and rules unto ages of ages. There is no partiality or prejudice with the truth, but it does righteous things, distinct from all wrongdoings and evil. All are pleased with its deeds, and there is nothing unjust in its judgment. For strength, dominion, authority, and majesty belong to it unto all ages, and blessed is the God of truth.”

Encouraging Words

We live in an age where there is no such thing as absolute truth. At least that is what the general culture wants us to believe. Because if we can make everything relative then we have unlimited freedom to do whatever we want without worrying about retribution. However, just because our society says that there is no absolute truth, it does not make it so. Our Heavenly Father, the Creator of all is pure Truth, He is the absolute Truth that He imparted to mankind through the incarnation of His Son, Jesus Christ. If you proclaim a lie loudly enough, articulate enough, and strongly enough that everyone around you believes it to be the is still a lie! God's truth abides forever, whether we embrace it or not. As for me and my household, we choose to embrace the Living Truth!

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