Sunday, June 23, 2024

June 23, 2024


Proverbs 8:32-33 (8:32-34)

Now therefore, my son, hear me:
Blessed is the man who shall hearken to me
And the man who shall guard my ways;
Who watches daily at my doors,
Who keeps watch at the doors of my entryways;
For my issues are the issues of life,
And grace is prepared from the Lord.

Personal Challenge

We all desire to be blessed, especially by God. Many times, we have this desire but are unwilling to do the things highlighted here that will help us to fully receive God's blessings. It all starts from hearkening to Him, listening for His guidance. We guard His ways. We watch daily at His doors, keeping watch for Him. We cannot be lax in these duties. His issues will become our issues and He will prepare us to take them on. Glory be to God!

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