Wednesday, August 14, 2024

August 14, 2024


Proverbs 17:1

Better is a morsel with enjoyment in peace
Than a house full of many good things and unrighteous sacrifices with quarreling.

Personal Challenge

There are multiple passages in Proverbs that remind us of how important it is for us to live in peace with those in our household, especially our spouse. Peace does not come from stuff or numerous activities, including multiple religious activities, but from loving one another. Here is a prayer that I utter every day to help me focus on a peaceful relationship in my home. I may not get it right every day, but the foundation keeps getting referenced with this prayer.

Prayers for Married Persons
O Lord Jesus Christ, thank You for blessing our marriage through the sacrament of Holy Matrimony.
When we stood together before Your Holy Altar, we invited You to come and bless us.
We claim Your Holy Presence in our marriage this day and every day.
You are the Source of Love.
Keep pouring Your love into us through the Holy Spirit.
Help us to stay close to You.
Help us to prefer one another in love,
To consider it a privilege to be able to serve one another
Until we see You face to face.
Help us to be kind to each other, tenderhearted,
Forgiving one another as You have forgiven us.
Never let the sun go down on our anger.
Grant us always to see our own faults
And not to judge each other.
Open our eyes to the best in each other.
Let patience reign supreme in our hearts.
Give us hope to brighten life,
And joy to lighten sorrow.
May our home be a haven where spiritual values are treasured and
Holy principles are modeled.
Gladden us with Your grace and peace that with one heart we may
Praise and glorify You.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, the sinner!

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