Sunday, September 8, 2024

September 8, 2024


Proverbs 22:17-19 (22:20-22)

Incline your ear to the words of the wise and hear my word,
And establish your heart, that you may know they are good.
And if you apply them to your heart,
They will gladden you and at the same time be upon your lips;
That your hope might be in the Lord,
And His way might be known to you.

Command With a Promise

We are given here various things to do in our life following Christ that will result in clear consequences. We are to incline our ears to the words of the wise, hear his words, and establish them in our hearts, knowing that they are good. The results will be that they will gladden us and they, the words, will become our words as well. Our hope will be in the Lord and His way will be made known to us. Glory be to God!

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