Psalms 137:4-6 (138:4-6)
O Lord, let all the kings of the earth give thanks to You,
For they heard all the words of Your mouth;
And let them sing in the ways of the Lord,
For the glory of the Lord is great;
For the Lord is high, and He watches over the lowly things;
But the high things He knows from afar.
Personal Challenge
It is so sad to see the state that our fallen world has come to. Has it been worse? Yes! Has it been better? Yes! Will it get worse? Yes! Will it get better? Maybe! What is critical in all of this is how will we respond. How will I respond? Are there injustices? Yes! Are people getting hurt? Yes! Are those of us who proclaim Jesus as our Lord demonstrating His love to those around us? In person? On social media? By our words? Most importantly, by our actions? Until we do this how will the kings of the earth, or anyone else for that matter, be able to hear the words from His mouth, or sing for Him, or even know Him? God's love is for His creation, all of it. He sees through the color of our skin, the age of our bodies, the preferences and choices that we make, and even the ways that we do or do not worship Him and sees the children that He created in His image. And, He asks us to see and love each other that way as well. Lord, have mercy! Lord, have mercy! Lord, have mercy on me, the sinner?