Thursday, May 2, 2024

May 1, 2024


1 Corinthians 5:12-13

For what have I to do with judging those also who are outside? Do you not judge those who are inside? But those who are outside God judges. Therefore “put away from yourselves the evil person.”

Personal Challenge

Somewhere in the modern history of the Western Church, we have come up with the belief that we have the right, if not the responsibility, to judge people both inside the body of believers and outside. Paul makes it clear that no believer has the right to judge the actions of non-believers. Only God has this right. We are commanded by Christ, himself, to love our neighbor, no matter what. We, as believers, are also taught that there are guidelines by which members of our community of believers are to be judged and that none of those guidelines give is permission to be independent judges. Our best, and only option, is to love everyone and let God be the judge. Lord, have mercy! Lord, have mercy! Lord, have mercy!

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