Friday, July 26, 2024

July 26, 2024


Proverbs 15:32-33 (15:37-38)

He who rejects instruction hates himself,
But he who gives heed to reproofs loves his soul.
The fear of God is instruction and wisdom,
And the beginning of glory will respond to it.

Personal Challenge

One of the challenges of being the independent pioneers that we are, is that we begin to believe that we can make it on our own. We act as if nothing outside of us is needed because we are self-sufficient and self-directed. The problem with this mindset is that we evolve to a point where we do not accept instruction or reproof any longer. God provides instruction and reproof to us so that we can learn to shed our temporal ways and embrace His spiritual ways. Only through submitting to His will we truly see the full manifestation of His blessings in our lives. Glory be to God!

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