Thursday, December 21, 2017

December 20, 2017


Proverbs 17:1

Better is a morsel with enjoyment in peace
Than a house full of many good things and unrighteous sacrifices with quarreling.

Personal Challenge

Contrary to popular belief, more is not always better. We live in a society, and a culture, that teaches that if I have a little bit of something that gives me pleasure or happiness, then more of it gives me, even more, pleasure or happiness. So what do we end up with? Mega-houses that own us and that have half of their rooms devoid of furniture because we ran out of money to fill them. Myriads of toys such as cars, trucks, boats, and the list goes on, many of which we only use once or twice a year. We end up with closets full of clothes that we never wear, but that we must own. All the while we walk past the homeless on the streets of our communities who spend their nights in tents or cardboard boxes. We say sorry to them because we have no money to put in their cup since it is all tied up in our toys. We ignore the person who does not have a coat to wear in winter or the child who has no shoes while standing before our stuffed closets commiserating that we have nothing to wear. I too am guilty as charged and grieved. Now is the time for fasting and giving of our wealth as alms to those in need. Lord, have mercy! Lord, have mercy! Lord, have mercy!

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