Wednesday, May 23, 2018

May 23, 2018


Sirach 18:18-20

Before you speak, learn,
And before you get sick, take care of your health.
Before you make a judgment, examine yourself closely,
And in the hour of visitation you will find atonement.
Before you become sick, humble yourself;
And at the time of sinning, prove your conversion.

Personal Challenge

Once again, Sirach provides some powerful words of wisdom that apply to both our everyday living as well as preparation for eternity. Learn before you speak. This is so contrary to our modern, self-focused Way of thinking. Oh, how many times I would have avoided a conflict by applying this truth. Take care of yourself and humble yourself and you will avoid sickness. The first one makes sense, but what does humbling ourselves have to do with avoiding sickness? The act of humbling ourselves puts others first. By doing this We eliminate stress on our bodies and our health by always trying to be first. Examine yourself closely before making a judgment and you will find atonement. Jesus proclaimed this by saying, "Judge not, that you be not judged." Usually, the act of self-appraisal reminds us that we are in no position to judge another. Great words of wisdom. Now comes the hard part, applying them. Lord, have mercy! Lord, have mercy! Lord, have mercy!

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