Friday, May 31, 2013

May 31, 2013

Psalm 119: 89 (118:89 LXX)

Forever, O Lord,
Your word continues in heaven.

Encouraging Words...

This verse makes me wonder...if God is never changing, always the same, and His word remains forever, then why is it that we have chosen to create so many variations of how we worship and follow Him? I know that we must adapt to fit our culture, but can't we do this without totally reinventing God and His Gospel? Even the old covenant as laid out in the Old Testament continually points to Christ and His new covenant. I believe that it is in our pride that we split off from each other and create our own doctrines and followings. I am blessed to be able to worship and grow in my faith in a practice of Christianity that strives to stay as close as possible to the way that it originally started over 2,000 years ago. Yes, I know that we too have adapted and adjusted but we have not really changed all that much. Glory be to God.

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