Saturday, December 21, 2019

December 12, 2019


Esther 4:13-16

And Mordecai said to Hathach, “Go and say to Esther, ‘Do not say to yourself that you alone will be saved in the kingdom apart from all the other Jews. For if you choose not to heed this request at this time, help and deliverance for the Jews will arise elsewhere, but you and your father's house will perish. Besides, who knows whether it is for this occasion you reign as queen?’ ” Then Esther dispatched the one who came to her to Mordecai, saying, “Go and assemble together the Jews in Susa. Fast for me; do not eat or drink for three full days and three full nights. I and my maids will also fast. Then I will go to the king, contrary to the law, even if I am to perish.”

Personal Challenge

The story of Esther and Mordecai is such a testimony to the power of faith and the understanding that God is in the middle of everything that happens in our lives. God does not force us to do anything that we do not choose to do with our own free will. He will orchestrate the events and circumstances around us so that we can be used as His instruments for the glory of His Kingdom, but the final decision to be that instrument is still ours. This passage speaks so well to this orchestration of circumstances and of people that choose to obey God. Mordecai is a Jew and an advisor to King Artaxerxes. Esther is his beautiful niece and the queen chosen by Artaxerxes. The Jews are a conquered people and not liked by the other people of the land. Haman, another advisor to the king has devised a plan to get the king to make a proclamation to kill Mordecai and all of the Jews of the land. Mordecai has petitioned Esther to go before the king and to reveal that she too is a Jew and that Haman has deceived the king. The only problem is that anyone going before the king without an invite from him is put to death. Mordecai reminds Esther that maybe she is the queen because God put her in this position just for this occasion and that she must trust God. But, if she chooses to not do this thing for her people, God will raise up another person to do His work. The rest is His-story. This is a great read about God's faithfulness to us and the consequences of us being faithful to Him. Lord, have mercy! Lord, have mercy! Lord, have mercy!

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