Saturday, November 14, 2020

November 12, 2020


Amos 5:14a

Seek good and not evil so that you may live, so that the Lord God Almighty will be with you.

Personal Challenge

So, what does it mean to seek good and not evil? I know that I can proclaim that I am not doing evil things like murdering someone or robbing banks or beating my wife. Is this where the definition of evil ends? Not really. Am I being disruptive and decisive in my ways and language, whether in person or on social media? Am I choosing to participate in those dirty or harmful jokes and memes? Am I lording it over other people like a bully? These are just a few of the ways that I can seek evil. If I am not truly and sincerely showing love for my neighbor, especially those that I disagree with or perceive as my enemies, then I am seeking evil. To seek good is to strive to do what Jesus would have me do. It is to desire to walk in His footprints and live as He lived, even unto death for another. This is a hard path to take but the one that leads to a life where the Almighty Lord God is with us. Glory be to God!

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