Tuesday, March 3, 2015

March 3, 2015

Living life guiltless...

Daniel 6:5-6

The administrators and governors sought to find some charge against Daniel, but they could find no charge or wrongdoing or fault against him because he was faithful. Then the administrators said, "We will find nothing against Daniel unless we find it in the laws of his God."

Personal Challenge...

What an awesome compliment to pay to a person who serves his God. Daniel's live is on that we can all strive for...to live our lives in a way that no one around us can find fault in what we say or do. I know it is too late for this to occur in my life in relationship to my past, however, it is never too late to start living the rest of my life in a way that people could not find any fault in my ways from this day forward. It is clear that I will not be able to do this on my own accord, but by the grace of God and through the indwelling Spirit, I believe it is possible to strive for this for the remainder of my life. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner! Be Lord and Master of my life precious Jesus!

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