Isaiah 30:15
For thus says the Lord, the Holy One of Israel: “When you return and groan, then you will be saved and know where you were. When you trusted in vain things, vain was your strength, and you did not will to listen.”
Personal Challenge
Repentance is not confession. Confession is the act of admitting our sin to someone else, whether it be to God, to our priest, or to another person. Confession is the first step in repentance. Repentance is the set of steps following confession where we return to our Lord and grieve, or groan, as Isaiah calls out for our wrongdoing, followed by fleeing that which draws us to commit this sin and striving to pursue godly acts going forward. Without repentance, we end up trusting in vain things and therefore having vain strengths and an unwillingness to listen to our Lord. Lord, have mercy! Lord, have mercy! Lord, have mercy!