Tuesday, August 15, 2017

August 14, 2017


Proverbs 3:1-2

My son, do not forget my laws,
But let your heart keep my words;
For length of days, and years of life and peace
They will add to you.

Personal Challenge

Since we are all created in the image of God, He has put enough of Himself into every one of us that our nature knows the difference between right and wrong. Our nature knows that we need to be in a relationship with God because that is the only way that we will be complete. However, due to the fallen state of this temporal world, the busy-ness of life, and our own, stubborn. free will, we begin to forget God and His laws and the ways that He wants us to live. The writer is reminding us here, that the answer to this problem in our lives is our heart. It is our heart where Jesus can dwell, once we give our lives to Him. It is our hearts that can draw us back to a point where we listen to God's Wisdom (Jesus) and begin to be obedient again. And as we strive to keep doing this, to keep yielding our free will to God's will, listen to His teachings, participate in His Church, then God promises to add length of days, and years of life and peace to our very existence, We can experience this during the remainder of our life here on earth and into eternity with Him. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, the sinner!

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