Thursday, August 10, 2017

August 8, 2017


Psalms 94:19 (93:19 LXX)

O Lord, according to the abundance of grief in my heart,
Your encouragements consoled my soul.

Encouraging Words

No matter what state of feeling I am in, the Lord's grace and love will certainly outweigh it. If I have great grief in my life, my Lord is there with consolation and love to help me to overcome the grief. If life has dealt me a tough blow and I have become discouraged or despondent, He is there with His encouragement and blessings. Nothing in this world, or that happens in this world, can ever outweigh what God can do. I have seen Him respond to people, as well as myself, in the midst of devastating earthquakes, catastrophic tsunamis, fires, loss of loved ones, loss of health, loss of jobs, times of depression, and many other natural and temporal things in the lives of His beloved children. His response is always loving and caring, full of grace and mercy because we are the apple of His eye. So, we should not lose heart in the midst of our trials. To the contrary, we should strengthen our heart's dependency on our living Lord and relish His encouragements that will give us true joy and peace. Lord, have mercy! Lord, have mercy! Lord, have mercy!

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