Wednesday, February 17, 2016

February 17, 2016


Wisdom of Solomon 7:22-23 LXX

So in herself, wisdom is a spirit that is rational,
Holy, only- begotten, manifold, subtle, easily moved, clear,
Undefiled, manifest, invulnerable, loving what is good, keen,
Unhindered, beneficent, man- loving, steadfast, unfailing,
Free from worry, all- powerful, all- surveying,
And penetrating all spirits that are rational, pure, and most subtle

Personal Challenge

Reading through this passage, we find many of the characteristics of our Lord, Jesus Christ. If my goal in life, my desire, is to be like Him, then I can pull from a list such as this, some of the things that I must strive for in my life. Here are some that stand out to me: holy (set apart), subtle (humble), clear, undefiled, loving what is good, keen, unhindered (in my love for Him and my neighbor), beneficent, man-loving, steadfast, unfailing, free from worry, and pure. This is quite a list to strive for, but if I am to grow in my journey to theosis it is a good place to start. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, the sinner!

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