Thursday, February 7, 2019

February 6, 2019


Philippians 1:21

For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.

Personal Challenge

Jesus gave us the ultimate example of what it means to fully commit one's life to God and His neighbor. Yes, He was fully God incarnate, but He was also fully a man. He had temptations like all of the rest of us, however, He resisted those temptations and chose not to sin. He had plenty of opportunities to be angry at those around Him and to call on the heavenly host to protect Him, and yet He chose not to. He could have said "No!" to the cross, and yet, because of His love for God and His neighbor, He did not. This is what Paul is talking about. Paul gave his life for the work of Christ and the spreading of the gospel. He suffered much for His Christ and his neighbor setting the example for us to do the same. With Christ being the center of one's life then loving is all about Christ and only Christ, and dying is to gain the reward of eternal life in the presence of our glorious God. Both living and dying are full of Christ and love for Him and our neighbor. Glory be to God!

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